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About Our Farm

Private Local Farm

Lavender Circle Farm is a local family farm that started out as an excuse to buy a tractor and make more use of our unique piece of the planet (...and to buy a tractor). It grew from that first lavender plant being put in the ground in 2018, because we had the tractor, to a way for our family to ATTEMPT to stay somewhat fit and sane during Covid. Somehow, that first plant became the about 2,500 lavender plants of various types currently on the farm. Oh, yeah, we also started to build one of the largest Lavender Labyrinths around. 'Started' being the operative word, because it is still under construction and won't be fully complete until 2025. Turns out it takes a heckuva lot of plants to fill up a 1.5 acre labyrinth.


The bees arrived in 2022. We are still learning the art and science of bee keeping...well really it is bee partnering. We can truly say, though, that we have become enamored and fascinated with the hard working elegance of the complicated dance the bees do to ensure the survival of the colony. We have also fallen in love with the smooth and unique taste of Lavender Honey. It hits the palette softly and gives a kiss of subtle lavender on the tongue.


This is a working farm and our homestead, because of that we mostly share the unique goodness of the land through our on-line store. But we also know that this little piece of land among the rolling hills of Northern Michigan effects people in a peaceful and calming way, so we do offer limited opportunities for others to come and experience the lavender and the bees. Folks can reserve special event times for such things as a Nature Soiree or Farm to Table with small groups. We also have a few dates for Wedding Rehearsal dinners...full blown weddings are beyond are capacity at this time. For those who want to learn more about essential oil, we offer the opportunity to come and harvest and cook up some personal lavender oil and hydrosol. Finally, even though still under construction, we offer the opportunity to take in the farm and complete a 20 minute mindfulness walk in the labyrinth for those wishing to unplug and still there mind and body a bit. 

Moments in Time on the Farm

Meet Our Farmers

Who We Are

I guess we are farmers...after 5 years, but, still, we know we have so much more to learn and our tractor, aka, Little Donkey, is only 23 HP not 400 HP. But, maybe, the size of the tractor doesn't make the farmer. All the sweat and thinking and doing and working together is really done out of love for one another and respect for the land. All of us have day jobs or school to pay the bills or grow our minds, so that we can continue to invest and make this little piece of the planet more vibrant and filled with the stories of living. 



Crazy Idea and Get It Done Guy

Erik got sucked into the joy and travails of working the land. At first, because it allowed his brain a break from his day job as a business conscious leadership expert and executive peer group facilitator. And then because he realized it was making him stronger and with a bit less fat around the belly. But, really, it was because he became fascinated with how a little idea and a whole lot of work could begin to change the land, the environment to vibration. The farm has become like a never-ending (that's for sure) land sculpting and life enhancing project. Oh yeah, and he still gets a kick out of the moment he drives the tractor into the field for a good day's (or evening's) work.

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Spiritual Advisor, Aesthetic Creator and Lavender Sachet Harvester

Angele keeps the beauty and fun in the farm work. As the farm evolved, she guided its vision and made sure it became more and more pleasing to the senses. She is the labyrinth mindfulness walk tester, sometimes to renew and sometimes just to chill out from her job as college instructor. 



Lavender Care Doer, Extra Muscle and Entertainment Director

Magnus ensures the health of the lavender all growing season, in addition to adding muscle and problem solving to tasks that arise on the farm. He is known to sing a bit, tell jokes and write plays and songs in his head, while pacing around the lavender fields. He continues all such activities during the school year...other than ensuring the health of the lavender plants.



Marketing Consultant, Extra Hands, Joy Creator & Ethical Advisor

Carina helped plant the first few rows of lavender, while on summer break from college. She was also present during the Covid planting Lallpalooza. We enlist her help with our social media and marketing efforts. And get her in the fields whenever we can get her away from her legal assistant duties down state.


Mac the Dog

Tractor Guide, Overseer, Boredom Monitor & Coyote Alarm System

Mac is a miniature Australian Shepard with a maximum spirit. As soon as the tractor starts, he knows it's time to get some work done and so eagerly leads Erik into the field. But, he gets quickly bored watching his pack members bent over lavender plants and runs off to play with his neighbor friends. At night, he keeps up a near constant barking to ensure coyotes and all other animals respect the perimeter of the homestead.

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