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LCF Product Subscription Options

  • LCF Lavender Honey 14oz Subscription

    Every 2 months
    Regular Lavender Honey supply to ensure LCF bees' awesome work is in the pantry when desired!
    • Regular delivery of LCF 'smooth' Lavender Honey to enjoy!
    • *Free shipping included as part of LCF subscription price*
  • LCF Lavender Honey 14oz Subscription

    Every month
    Regular Lavender Honey supply to ensure LCF bees' awesome work is in the pantry when desired!
    • Regular delivery of LCF 'smooth' Lavender Honey to enjoy!
    • *Free shipping included in subscription price*
  • LCF Lavender Ess. Oil 5ml Subscription

    Every month
    Regular Lavender Essential Oil supply to ensure LCF plants' essence available when desired!
    • A little hint of LCF summer stress reducing essence!
    • Please review cautions prior to using.
    • *Free shipping included in subscription price*
    • **Sales tax added to subscription price**
  • LCF Floral Spray 8oz Subscription

    Every 2 months
    All natural Floral Spray Hydrosol -- Multiple Sense Unleashing Uses!
    • Regular delivery of LCF Natural Hydrosol Multi-Use Spray!
    • Please review cautions prior to using.
    • *Free shipping included with subscription pricing*
    • **Sales tax added to subscription pricing**

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